First we want to take a moment to thank you for supporting our project. It truly means a lot to use to serve you. But let's get to why you came to this page. There are two ways to locate your download after purchasing. This is either done on the confirmation page right after purchase, or through your email address you provided us through the checkout process.
If you're having trouble finding your downloads, not to worry we're here to help. Downloads should have appeared on your purchase confirmation page. It takes a moment to load so some people miss the downloads.
If for some reason you need to abandon that page, or you are on mobile don't worry. We send out emails to everyone with a link back to this page. Some people will receive this email to spam or to the promotional folder for their email client. Be sure to check both and add Samplified to your email contact list for future downloads. See this video on how to find our email.
If you are still experiencing issues finding your downloads, please contact or message us on Facebook. You can also visit our FAQ page for more details.